Saturday, July 31, 2010

web site using Weebly

A Weebly is a website creation program that is easy to use, interactive and engaging. Weebly allows users to create a multi page website on any chosen topic with a user-friendly toolbar to cater to individual designs and needs. Images, podcasts and hyperlinks can easily be added to the web page to provide a broader knowledge. To receive constructive feedback from peers or teachers a hyperlink to a blog can be added.
A web creation can be used in the classroom to create an assignment on a given topic either in groups or individually. It can be used across most of the KLAs and example would be when researching an animal each page could contain different aspects like habitat, threats, diet etc...Students can upload pictures and video to support their facts.
Using a web creation program in the classroom would be effective as it provides students with opportunities to develop an understanding of the processes and practices that lead to the design and development of new and innovative technological products as well as a result of their engagement in technology learning experiences, students will be better able to:
• Understand, evaluate and reflect on the nature and consequences of technological change within society
• Participate in the design and development of innovative technological products (QSA- Essential Learnings 2005)
As this digital tool promotes collaborative learning it would align with the Constructivist Learning Theory which emphasizes that learners construct their own knowledge, strongly influenced by what they already know. Social Constructivists view learning as an inherent social process, using peer discussions as an opportunity to share alternate view points, to challenge others’ ideas and help develop alternative points of view. (Duffy & Cunningham, 1996) say that by creating and using digital tools there is a blurring of teacher and student roles, such as that teachers model and demonstrate learning in problem-based settings, while students facilitate and manage their own learning environments. This promotes students to learn rich tasks that can be used in real life contexts and promotes life long learners.
To veiw an example of how a weebly can be incorporated into the classroom please go to
Duffy, T. M., & Cunningham, D.J (1996). Constructivism, Implications for Design and Delivery of Instruction. In D. H. Jonassen (Ed), Handbook of research on educational communications and technologies. New York. Macmillan
The state of Queensland (Department of Education, Training and the Arts). (2007). Essential learnings Retrieved August 2010 from http://

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