Saturday, July 31, 2010

Using A YouTube Video In The Classroom

This YouTube video would be useful for a year 7 cohort where they are learning about renewable and non-renewable energy. This video would be introduced at the end of the unit when students have learnt about alternate forms of energy. They now have an understanding of global warming and are formulating ideas on what needs to be done to reduce carbon gasses by converting to renewable energy. the YouTube video sets a problem-based task of how students could create a clean carbon free city.This type of learning links nicely to Engagement Theory where students use cognitive processes such as creating, problem-solving, reasoning, decision-making, and evaluation. (Kearsley & Shneiderman (1998)
This form of problem based learning promotes higher order thinking as students now take all the knowledge they have and put it into context by solving a real life problem. They have already used dimension 3 in the Dimension of Learning framework and are now working in dimension 4 using knowledge meaningfully. Helping Students develop complex reasoning processes such as
• Decision making
• Problem solving
• Invention
• Experimental inquiry
• Investigation
• Systems analysis
(Marzano, R 1997)

Kearsley, G & Shneiderman, B (1998) Engagement Theory, A framework for technology-based teaching and learning. retrieved from CQU Moodle site Week 2
Marzano, R. (1997)Dimension of Learning, teachers manual (2nd ED). Colorado, Mcrel publishing.

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