Sunday, July 25, 2010

Microsoft Powerpoint

Using Microsoft powerpoint was quite time consuming but once i got the hang of applying all the hyperlinks it became easier. The power point has enormous potential as a learning tool as it can be engaging and interesting. Due the complexity and time spent setting one up i would not teach the students how to set up the powerpoint i would only use it as a teaching tool.How i would use this power point would be to inform the students then as a whole cohort answer the quiz questions or when the students are doing rotational group work i would have this set up on the computers for them to access and work through themselves make it more student centred than teacher centred.


  1. Hey Amanda,
    I too had never used PowerPoint in this way; this activity was a great learning experience for me. Once you get the hang of it and all it's complexities it really does become a cleaver digital tool to incorporate into the learning context. I like your idea about using this tool as a group rotation activity. You are right about it needing to be student centred, as the PowerPoint itself gives students all the scaffolding needed to complete the task.

  2. Hi Amanda,
    I have seen in my year 2 prac classroom students creating their own Power Point for a weather unit. The students were scaffolded at each step and together with the Power Point instructions the students were able to understand the requirements; the faster students were able to fast track to the next step by themselves. Only the title page was created in the first lesson as most students’ abilities were not practiced outside ICT game skills. I believe that doing a compact lesson with ICT regularly is also a productive and skill progressive method of teaching ICT’s. The class climate in a computer lab with 22 students is also a contributing factor of how much work could be accomplished. Because the students are in front of computers – the teacher has to engage the students in a different manner than in front of the classroom. New pedagogical approaches are necessary to employ on task and good behaviour while working in this environment with ICT. Support students (IEP’s) were not included in this lesson but were using ICT skills in literacy games with a support teacher in another room.
    Any comments on this subject would be enlightning!
