Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Movie maker

This movie was fun to make on Movie Maker, unfornately i had trouble uploading it to my blog and had to seek help from one of my peers. Movie maker is a fun way for students to present their work to their classmates and is more like play than learning. Movie maker is very easy to use and has the ability to use images, video, add text and music.
Movie maker will be a great asset in the classroom, it could be used instead of a powerpoint as it is easy to use and more interactive. From a Learning Managers point of view it will be easy to teach students how to use it as it only takes a few simple steps. From a safety point it is just as safe as a powerpoint as it does not go on line but can be saved in their file on the school computer. Using movie maker allows the student to be as creative as they want and can be used right across the KLAs as well as catering to a diverse range of learners. this is definately a tool i would use in the classroom as it is ingaging and user friendly. Prensky (2001)states "that students need to be engaged and motivated to learn effectively. Due to the flexability of moviemaker students can add text, video footage and images all within one movie. As this task is a rich task it could easily be used for summative assessment. For an example of how Movie Maker can be incorporated into your classroom please click on the link to view a lesson plan at http://s0154220amanda.weebly.com/movie-maker.html

Prensky, M (2001)Digital natives, digital immigrants.On the horizon, (Vol 9)(no50.[on-line journal]2001.retrieved from http://moodle.cqu.edu.au on 3/7/2010

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