Sunday, July 25, 2010


image courtesy of HDR- Red Gate by *atrium09 Found on flickr

Using Flickr was so easy and fun there are so many great images. Flickr is a free to use program that allows users to upload pictures and videos. There are a number of purposes for using images Teachers can present learning materials to students to promote engaging thinking, knowledge, understanding, analysis, and evaluation. Images can support skill development and influence feelings. Teachers can create dialogue between students using the image to explore beliefs, facts, culture etc... The image i chose (above) would be great for a stimulus in creative writing. what is behind the red door? or for older students i could use the photos attached quote "sometimes great ideas can be created by just opening the door".Once the picture has been shown to the class a three minute pause would be useful for students to gather their thoughts and interpret the image. For younger students brainstorming responses to the picture would help some students with ideas, as well as scaffolding how to structure the layout of the writing task. With all on-line images common courtesy should be adhered to by referencing the source.

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